
‘Little Woman’ collega Timothée Chalamet was afgelopen donderdag te gast bij Late Night with Seth Meyers, hier praatte hij over de eerste keer dat hij Emma ontmoette op de set van de film.

Emma is afgelopen week in Londen zoenend gespot met een man, enkele dagen daarvoor werd het stel ook al door de paparazzi gespot in Italië. Het is niet bekend wie Emma’s nieuwe vlam is, en het is hoogstonwaarschijnlijk dat ze er zelf iets over uitlaat. In een interview met Vanity Fair in 2017 liet ze hier het volgende over weten:

“I want to be consistent: I can’t talk about my boyfriend in an interview and then expect people not to take paparazzi pictures of me walking around outside my home. You can’t have it both ways.”

Tom Felton plaatste onderstaande foto op zijn instagramaccount waarop te zien is dat hij Emma gitaarles geeft. Vele mensen denken nu dat de twee aan het daten zijn, vooral omdat het tweetal samen in Zuid-Afrika op vakantie zou zijn en in hun pyjama op de foto te zien zijn. Tom en Emma zijn al lange tijd goede vrienden en hebben al eerder op hun socialmedia accounts gezamenlijk foto’s geplaatst. Emma heeft in een interview jaren geleden wel toegegeven een crush te hebben gehad op Tom tijdens de opnames van de ‘Harry Potter’ films.

Galerij Links:
http//: Tom Felton instagram

Emma feliciteert ‘Harry Potter’ schrijfster J.K. Rowling met de ze foto’s te delen op haar instagramaccount. Op de foto die gemaakt is tijdens een halloweenfeest uit 2018 is ook ‘Harry Potter’ actrice Evanna Lynch te zien die te zien was als Loena Leeflang in de films.

Sexy and scary! 👻 You smashed this. All the love to you Jo. Happy Birthday!!!! Extra points to @msevylynch for being the most perfect cat. 🐯

Galerij Links:
http//: Instagramfoto’s 2019

Emma is na een vragenlijst van YouGov benoemd tot de vijfde meest bewonderde vrouw van de wereld! Hiervoor is de vragenlijst in 41 landen gedaan en beland ze net onder Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie & koningin Elizabeth II.

YouGov performed their annual survey of the most admired people in the world, and Emma Watson jumped up to join the top five in the Most Admired Women of 2019 list. The Harry Potter star came in just behind Michelle Obama, who was in first place, as well as Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, and Queen Elizabeth II.

According to MuggleNet, the survey spans 41 countries and asks about men and women. The Obamas are killing it this year, as not only is Michelle in first place, but Barack is in second for most admired men (only Bill Gates managed to beat him).

Watson’s new ranking comes as no real surprise, since the 29-year-old actress is a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and a face of the UN’s movement for gender equality, HeForShe.

Not only that, but Watson also began an online feminist book club called “Our Shared Shelf.” On its Goodreads page, the description says, “As part of my work with UN Women, I have started reading as many books and essays about equality as I can get my hands on.”

Emmma is voor de duur van tenminste 3 jaar aangewezen als Associate Fellow bij de Lady Margaret Hall van Oxford Universiteit. Wat deze nieuwe rol precies inhoud is mij niet bekend. De afgelopen periode bezocht Emma de universiteit meerdere malen om over gelijkheid in geslacht en vrouwenrechten te praten.

LMH is delighted to announce the appointment of nine new Visiting Fellows for a three year term (2019-22), and the appointment of Emma Watson as an Associate Fellow.

The Visiting Fellows are people drawn from a variety of backgrounds, callings and professions who will form a bridge between LMH’s academic community and the worlds they inhabit and represent. We are most grateful to our previous Visiting Fellows (2016-19) who contributed so much insight, knowledge and understanding within their specialist fields and culturally enhanced the life of the College.

As an Associate Fellow, Emma Watson, will continue her valuable work with the College with particular emphasis on promoting gender equality and women’s rights. Emma was previously an LMH Visiting Fellow (2016-19).

The idea of having non-academic visiting fellows at an Oxford College is not entirely new. Lord Nuffield, in founding his own College, wanted people drawn from government, politics, civil service and other institutions to play a role in the life of Nuffield College.

Names were canvassed from LMH’s governing body, of people of distinction whom we admired and whom we felt could add to the intellectual and cultural life of LMH. Those appointed span subject areas including: environment, sport, history, the performing arts, literature, feminism, law and public service.

Alan Rusbridger, Principal of LMH, said: “We welcome all our new Visiting Fellows and Emma Watson who has now been appointed an Associate Fellow. We look forward to them contributing to the life of LMH and to debate, perform, challenge and otherwise engage with the fellows, tutors, staff and students.

“We can learn much from them and we hope they treasure their time with us.”

Emma bezocht op 10 juli het themapretpark ‘The Wizarding World of Harry Potter’ in Orlando. Enkele fans en medewerkers van het park hebben via berichten op twitter laten weten haar gezien te hebben. Er zijn foto’s verschenen maar deze zal ik niet posten omdat dit papparazifoto’s zijn en ik deze niet upload op de website. In 2010 bezocht Emma’s het park ook tijdens de opening, bekijk de foto’s daarvan via de link hieronder.

Galerij Links:
http//: 20 mei 2010: Opening of Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Florida, VS

Emma instgramfoto’s van de afgelopen maanden staan in de galerij.

Galerij Links:
http//: Instagramfoto’s 2019

Emma steunt de website ‘Good On You’ een website die kledingmerken beoordeling op hoe goed ze zijn voor het milieu. Door te kijken hoe duurzaam ze gemaakt zijn, door te kijken in hoeverre ze o,a, kleding verspilling tegengaan en kleding recyclen. Emma is hier al jaren een grote voorstander van.

Introducing Our New Supporter, Emma Watson

There is no better advocate for ethical and sustainable fashion than Emma Watson.

Throughout her career she’s been a driving force of the movement. Her work includes collaborations with ethical brands such as People Tree, her Instagram advocacy with @The Press Tour, and her leadership on Vogue Australia’s first sustainability issue.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce Emma as a supporter of Good On You. We’ll be rating the clothes she wears on the red carpet and beyond, so she can be confident her outfits meet the highest standards of ethics and sustainability.

Here is what Emma has to say about why she’s using Good On You.

“Fashion helps shape our identities. What we wear signifies who we are and what we stand for. I support Good On You because I need to know my clothes do not harm our precious planet or its people.

On the red carpet we’re often asked not what we are wearing but ‘who’. It’s as if the ideas behind the clothes – the label, the designer, the collection – have more meaning than the garment itself. But there’s something missing.

There’s a bigger story to be told about the conditions in which our clothes are made, the resources that have been used and the impact they’ve had on communities.

Good On You is my benchmark for sustainable fashion. This means that when I’m given a platform to speak about my choice of outfit, I will have a meaningful story to tell. And it’s powerful.

But I am just one person. In truth, we can all play a part in driving fashion to be more sustainable and ethical. By choosing to wear clothes from labels that embrace transparent, creative and innovative production methods; and by re-wearing, recycling, swapping and thrifting.

Together we are building a bigger, better movement every day.

Fashion is a creative force. It has the power to persuade, to influence, and transform. When fashion truly embraces transparency and sustainability, other spheres will follow. We’re on a journey towards a more sustainable future.

This is just the beginning.”

Today is also the launch of a new look and feel for Good On You. We want to make it easier for you to discover ethical fashion, find all the info you need, and read all the stories you want on our website.

We’ve worked with a team of designers and developers to rebrand and rebuild our site, and we have some exciting new things planned for later in the year too.

So from all the team at Good On You, thank you for your support we literally couldn’t do what we do without it.

Let’s make 2019 the biggest year for ethical fashion so far.