Na bijna twee jaar samen zijn Emma Watson en haar vriend William ‘Mack’ Knight uit elkaar, dat beweren zowel Us weekly als E! Online. Volgens Us is de relatie zelfs al een tijdje voorbij. De twee werden voor het laatst in mei samen gesignaleerd.
De Harry Potter-actrice is notoir gesloten over haar privéleven, al werden zij en de 37-jarige techondernemer sinds oktober 2015 regelmatig samen gezien.
‘I want to be consistent. I can’t talk about my boyfriend in an interview and then expect people not to take paparazzi pictures of me walking around outside my home,’ zei ze in februari tegen Vanity Fair. ‘You can’t have it both ways.’
Us vroeg haar woordvoerder nog om een reactie maar werd – uiteraard – vriendelijk afgewimpeld: ‘I’m afraid I don’t comment on my client’s personal life.’
Emma heeft eerder deze maand haar Tabitha Simmons enkellaarzen aangeboden voor een veiling die ten goede komt aan Small Steps Project. Een liefdadigheidsinstelling in Groot-Britanië dat zich inzet om kinderen uit ontwikkelingslanden onderwijs te kunnen bieden. Emma’s schoenen werden uiteindelijk gekocht voor zo’n $8,250 (omgerekend ongeveer €7,097), dit was de vierde keer dat Emma schoenen doneerde voor het goede doel.

Galerij Links:
http//: 2017: veiling van Emma’s Tabitha Simmons enkellaarzen
“The devastating earthquakes in Mexico have elicited a deeply moving response from the Mexican people. In the history of our community, we have never been so informed, united and connected as we are right now. Citizens have taken this matter into their own hands and have selflessly and tirelessly worked together to come to the aid of their neighbors. Following their inspiring lead, I’m compelled to take action and join them to help begin the reconstruction of our beautiful country as it starts to recover from these tragic events.” – Alfonso Cuarón. Join us and donate to Global Giving at
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I.v.m. enkele problemen rondom mijn computer kan het zijn dat updates later op de website geplaatst worden de komende periode. Ik hoop dit zo snel mogelijk op te lossen!
Het boek dat Emma gaat lezen voor haar boekclub ‘Our Shared Shelf’ in maart/april is bekend. Dit zal het boek ‘The Power’ van schrijfster Naomi Alderman zijn. Dit boek is vertaald naar het Nederlands als ‘De Macht’ maar moet nog uitkomen. In januari verschijnt het boek bij
DOur next book will be a speculative fiction novel called The Power by Naomi Alderman, winner of the 2017 Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction. The book asks a question we might have all asked at one time: what would the world be like if women were in charge?
In the book, teenage girls all over the world begin to develop the ability to do harm by transmitting electricity through their fingertips. News spreads quickly over social media and soon the girls are teaching older women how to harness their dormant powers. In a few short years, gender roles are reversed and the world is run by women. As governments are toppled, a new woman’s republic is born, and there’s a single new religion led by a cult leader called Mother Eve.
The book follows four main characters: Tunde, a male journalist who is following the emerging stories, and three women with new found powers, Roxy, Allie and Margot. Their paths cross as the world is heading into political and religious turmoil.
Alderman challenges the cliché that women are more noble than men, and that a world run by women would be more gentle, with benevolent leaders and no war. In fact, women become power hungry and begin to repress men. They commit war atrocities, perform male genital mutilation, rape and maim for sport and kill to occupy land.
With power dynamics reversed, the women don’t choose a righteous path – they act no better than men who have abused power throughout history. I think Alderman’s point is that people who abuse, do so because they can.
Alderman presents the main part of the book as an early manuscript of an historical novel, written thousands of years in a future where women still rule, by a male novelist ‘Neil Armon’. Through letter exchanges between Neil and his mentor, a female writer called ‘Naomi’, we see a world where men’s worth is only in their looks and ‘men’s literature’ isn’t taken as seriously as women’s. This is a really clever literary device which highlights how absurd rigid gender roles are.
Neil thinks he can prove that women weren’t always the ones in positions of power, but Naomi can’t see how the history books would lie. Neil’s reality is one where men’s contributions to history have been misattributed, or even stolen, by women.
This made me think about the fact that history was written by those who held the power. It also made me think about how the distribution of power and gender roles throughout history often seems arbitrary, and how they could have perhaps ended up very differently.
I’m excited to hear what you all make of the novel.
Emma and the Our Shared Shelf team