Emma heeft samen met haar broer Alex een interview en fotoshoot gehad met de Financial Times ter promotie van de lancering van hun ginmerk Renais. In het interview is ze ook openhartig over haar keuzen om te tijdelijk te stoppen met acteren. Hierover gaf ze aan het voornamelijk moeite had mee te werken aan filmprojecten waarin ze zelf geen creatieve inbreng kon hebben. Ook geeft ze aan weer open te staan voor een nieuwe project wanneer het de juiste optie is.

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To call Emma Watson’s father an oenophile would be undercooking it. “He’s a mega-nerd,” says Emma over a long lunch last September, with a bias towards regional classics, at Bistrot des Grands Crus in Chablis.
“I prefer to say I’m passionate,” Chris replies, taking the measure of a glass of local red. “But I am a mega-nerd.” Chris Watson loves France, and the French. More specifically, he loves rural Burgundy, in the eastern-central part of the country, and especially Chablis, the small Burgundian town famous for its white wine.
But the Watsons are in France, en famille, to toast a new venture: the launch of a gin, the brainchild of Alex Watson, Emma’s younger brother, who until recently was an executive in the drinks industry. It’s called Renais, or “rebirth”, pronounced like “Renée”. And, uniquely for a gin, it is as much French as it is English, just as the Watsons feel themselves to be.
“What I really love is the culture here of the harvest,” says Emma. “I like the rituals around it and the history and the connection with the people here”