Emma zal aanstaande donderdag aanwezig zijn op de G7 summit in Parijs, Frankrijk.
Emma zal op 15 mei aanwezig zijn tijdens het “How to Understand Our Times” live evenement in Londen. Ze zal tijdens dit evenement in gesprek gaan met Dr. Denis Mukwege, iemand die zich inzet tegen het gebruikt van seksueel geweld in een gewapend conflict. (Zoals verkrachtingen tijdens oorlogen).
“How to Understand Our Times” is a live event series collaboration between The New York Times and how to: Academy, bringing together New York Times journalists and leading figures in diverse fields to examine pressing issues in a changing world.
Emma Watson meets 2018 Nobel Peace laureate Dr. Denis Mukwege, who has devoted himself to campaigning against the use of sexual violence as a weapon of armed conflict — at considerable personal cost.
“What is keeping me going is really the strength of women. I discovered how women are strong, how women can rebuild, and give hope for our humanity.” – Dr. Denis Mukwege.
In 1963, the eight-year-old Denis Mukwege accompanied his father, a pastor, to visit a terminally ill boy in hospital in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They prayed for him but were unable to do more. Denis decided on that day that he would study to a become a doctor.
In 1999, Denis founded the Panzi Hospital, a clinic dedicated to gynaecological care. When war broke out shortly after, the hospital became a refuge for thousands of women subjected to horrifying sexual violence. He pioneered a new, holistic approach, treating not only physical wounds but also addressing the psychological, legal and economic consequences of brutalisation.
In 2012, Denis’s tireless attempts to bring the problem of wartime rape to the attention of the U.N. and to see those responsible brought to justice led to his daughters being taken hostage, the assassination of his bodyguard and an attempt on his life.
In 2018, Denis was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his unceasing ‘efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict.’ Despite the ever-present threat, he continues to work and live at the Panzi Hospital under the protection of U.N. peacekeeping detail, performing up to ten reconstructive surgeries every day.
In a rare visit to London for this event, he is joined by award-winning actor and activist Emma Watson.
Star of the “Harry Potter” franchise and “Beauty and the Beast,” Emma Watson is equally renowned for her tireless work as a women’s rights advocate. A U.N. Women’s Goodwill Ambassador who launched the global “HeForShe” campaign encouraging men to support gender equality in 2014, and an inspiration to a generation of young activists, Emma’s impassioned belief in gender equality has taken her to countries such as Bangladesh, Canada, Uruguay, and Zambia.
Emma and Denis will discuss his work and his philanthropy, and explore what we can all do to bring about a safer, fairer future for women and girls.
The conversation will be introduced by Ellen Barry, The New York Times’s London-based international correspondent.
Er is een video verschenen van de G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council die Emma in februari bezocht, bekijk hem hieronder.
The 3 priority areas of the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council:
▶Combating violence and discrimination
▶Access to education
▶Women’s economic empowerment and entrepreneurship
Learn more → https://t.co/4KH0NKh1ZZ #G7France pic.twitter.com/Cz8hY4uXJm— France Diplomacy🇫🇷 (@francediplo_EN) 30 maart 2019
Ik heb enkele scans gevonden van Emma in het franse weekblad L’Obs van vorig jaar november.

Galerij Links:
http//: 29 november 2018: L’Obs
Emma instgramfoto’s van de afgelopen maanden staan in de galerij.

Galerij Links:
http//: Instagramfoto’s 2019
Emma steunt de website ‘Good On You’ een website die kledingmerken beoordeling op hoe goed ze zijn voor het milieu. Door te kijken hoe duurzaam ze gemaakt zijn, door te kijken in hoeverre ze o,a, kleding verspilling tegengaan en kleding recyclen. Emma is hier al jaren een grote voorstander van.
Introducing Our New Supporter, Emma Watson
There is no better advocate for ethical and sustainable fashion than Emma Watson.
Throughout her career she’s been a driving force of the movement. Her work includes collaborations with ethical brands such as People Tree, her Instagram advocacy with @The Press Tour, and her leadership on Vogue Australia’s first sustainability issue.
That’s why we’re thrilled to announce Emma as a supporter of Good On You. We’ll be rating the clothes she wears on the red carpet and beyond, so she can be confident her outfits meet the highest standards of ethics and sustainability.
Here is what Emma has to say about why she’s using Good On You.
“Fashion helps shape our identities. What we wear signifies who we are and what we stand for. I support Good On You because I need to know my clothes do not harm our precious planet or its people.
On the red carpet we’re often asked not what we are wearing but ‘who’. It’s as if the ideas behind the clothes – the label, the designer, the collection – have more meaning than the garment itself. But there’s something missing.
There’s a bigger story to be told about the conditions in which our clothes are made, the resources that have been used and the impact they’ve had on communities.
Good On You is my benchmark for sustainable fashion. This means that when I’m given a platform to speak about my choice of outfit, I will have a meaningful story to tell. And it’s powerful.
But I am just one person. In truth, we can all play a part in driving fashion to be more sustainable and ethical. By choosing to wear clothes from labels that embrace transparent, creative and innovative production methods; and by re-wearing, recycling, swapping and thrifting.
Together we are building a bigger, better movement every day.
Fashion is a creative force. It has the power to persuade, to influence, and transform. When fashion truly embraces transparency and sustainability, other spheres will follow. We’re on a journey towards a more sustainable future.
This is just the beginning.”
Today is also the launch of a new look and feel for Good On You. We want to make it easier for you to discover ethical fashion, find all the info you need, and read all the stories you want on our website.
We’ve worked with a team of designers and developers to rebrand and rebuild our site, and we have some exciting new things planned for later in the year too.
So from all the team at Good On You, thank you for your support we literally couldn’t do what we do without it.
Let’s make 2019 the biggest year for ethical fashion so far.
Volgens de nieuwste geruchten zou Emma één van de favoriete actrices zijn om een rol te spelen in de opkomende Marvel film ‘Black Widow’. Het zou gaan om een personage die omgeschreven wordt als een “kick ass female Bond”. De productie achter de film is op zoek naar een actrice die een fysiek zware rol aankan en gelijkenissen vertoont met actrice Scarlet Johansson die de hoofdrol van Black Widow speelt.
Emma zou bovenaan de lijst van actrice staan die de productie in het oog heeft voor de casting van de rol. Ze zou de rol niet nog officieel aangeboden hebben gekregen of auditie hebben gedaan. De opnames van de nieuwe film staan gepland voor aankomende juni.
Inmiddels zou actrice Florence Pugh de rol in de film hebben gekregen.
Emma bezocht enkele dagen geleden het G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council in de Franse hoofdstad. Tijdens de bijeenkomst praatte ze samen met andere activisten met de Franse president Emmanuel Macron over de gelijkheid tussen mannen en vrouwen.

Galerij Links:
http//: 19 februari: G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council in Parijs, Frankrijk
Emma heeft het voorwoord in de de 3e uitgave van Gloria Steinem’s boek ‘Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions’ uit 1983. Naast het voorwoord van Emma heeft Gloria ook wat nieuwe teksten toegevoegd. In 2016 was ‘My Life On The Road’ van de schijfster Emma’s eerste boek voor haar boekenclub, sindsdien zijn de twee goede vrienden en heeft Emma haar ook geinterviewd.

“Why do I love Gloria’s writing so much? She makes what otherwise can be arduous and depressing reading, into something not only relatable but enjoyable…She believes in personal testimony – the sharing and passing on of women’s stories…She uncovers things that are obscured by today’s conditioning and normalizing which when exposed, are absolutely fascinating…Her plain common sense – calling things out as they are – will make you laugh out loud…
Sometimes the world she envisions seems so far out and impossible to me or just wildly optimistic. But I have come to believe it is through radical feminism and the radical nature of Gloria’s message, that the job of equality will get done. I used to think the citadel didn’t have to topple. Now I believe it just might and should, and that we need to let old ways of being die for something new to be born. This book contains ideas for that new road, even though some were written almost forty years ago.
People have asked me what the feminist movement needs to succeed. A new word? More men involved? I would rephrase the question. What obstacles need to be removed for us to succeed? In order to win our full humanity, in life, we have to confront the biggest superpower in the world: the patriarchy…
I never liked the idea of being a rebel. I played Hermione Granger, for goodness sake, who once famously compared the notion of being expelled to death! I remember thinking my first detention was the end of the world. But of all the things to fight for, I’d say freedom and respect are pretty good ones! And if I can do it with, and in the wake of, women like Gloria, all the better. And actually, as Hermione and I learned, being disruptive was quite fun after all.
So, have your mind blown, laugh out loud, think in new ways, get angry, feel the feminist affinity…This was the first collection of feminist writing Gloria ever published…I hope they become as precious to you.”