28 oktober: Youth-led organizations are the pioneers fighting against the climate crisis. It is necessary to look to the youth of the world and listen to their cries for help.
Organizations like Fridays For Future are joined with students and activists who are creating global protests outside of their local parliaments and city halls. FFF started in August 2018 when 15 year old @gretathunberg started a school strike where she sat outside Swedish Parliament every day demanding that measures be taken on the climate crisis. This movement has inspired millions across the world to take action.
MAPA: Most Affect People and Areas, is a faction of FFF that focuses on the communities suffering the most at the hands of Climate Change. MAPA focuses on intersectional activism as the spearhead to create tangible change in our world.
”Intersectionality is not only a philosophical idea or a word, but it is also shown with little actions every day, it’s about rights and how we need to be careful. How we have to think and act with intersectionality - and not only post and talk.“ --- Lorena Luiza
MAPA activist from Brazil
Check out @fridaysforfuture and @fridaysforfuturemapa and visit their website to find out how to get involved. Give a follow to some of the tagged activists in the post, who are changing our world! ❤️❤️❤️
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