25 september: ☎️❤️ Calling all fellow Londoners! @traid - a UK clothes reuse charity - revealed in their new study that 23% of London’s clothes are unworn. That’s 123 million items! 👒🤯👢
🗣🆓 If you have clothes you don’t wear, TRAID offers *free* home collections picking up clothes you no longer need direct from your door, direct to the charity! Passing on our unworn clothes to TRAID also helps fund their projects to improve conditions in the supply chains making our clothes.
Today is the 3rd anniversary of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. TRAID’s study shows 22% of Londoners throw their clothes in the bin after clearing out their closet. Passing on our clothes means supporting UN SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production. Yay! 🤲🏻🌎 #SDG12 #GlobalGoals #23percent
💚 You can find out more at:
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