Volgens de laatste berichten zal Emma aanwezig zijn op de premiere van haar nieuwste film ‘The Circle’ in L.A. Het is alleen nog niet bekend wanneer de film precies zal verschijnen, en de premiere dus zal zijn.
Women accomplish amazing things when we support each other.
When a woman helps another woman, they both benefit. And when women celebrate one another’s accomplishments, we’re all lifted up. Together women can do more, go further, and change the world.
Let’s #LeanInTogether.
Ik heb screencaptures toegevoegd van Emma’s laatste film ‘ Colonia Dignidad’.

Galerij Links:
http//: Screencaptures
Er zijn opnieuwe enkele nieuwe posters verschenen van Emma’s laatst verschenen film ‘Colonia Dignidad’, ze zijn uit verschillende landen.

Galerij Links:
http//: Posters
Emma heeft in een bericht op het forum van haar boekenclub ‘Our Shared Shelf’ laten weten het anders te gaan aanpakken vanaf juni. Elke twee maanden zal er nu een boek gelezen worden zodat men de tijd heeft om deze te kopen/lenen en ook te lezen. Daarnaast roept te leden om met een voorstel te komen voor het komende boek voor de maanden juli/augustus.
Dear Our Shared Shelf,
Some announcements!
First, after careful consideration I’ve decided to make books bi-monthly to give people enough time to borrow/buy, read and discuss each book (I hope this gives everyone some extra breathing space. For eager beavers and keen beans I might add a few extra things to look at when a new book is posted.
Second ! For the first time………….. I want YOU to decide what we read over July/August so I’ve set up a poll. I’ve added some ideas to get you going but I’d love to see your suggestions too if you feel strongly. I can’t wait to see what you all pick!
Emma x
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After watching VICELAND’s series WOMAN (and specifically the episode on Zambia) I am pledging my support to Camfed the Campaign for Female Education. You can watch the documentary (North America only, coming to UK in the Autumn…), learn more and make a donation via viceland.com/woman #BeAWitness x

Het boek dat Emma gaat lezen voor haar boekclub ‘Our Shared Shelf’ in juni is bekend. Dit zal het boek ‘ Persepolis’ van schrijfster Marjane Satrapi zijn. Dit boek is wel vertaald naar het Nederlands onder dezelfde naam en o.a. te koop bij bol.com.
Dear Our Shared Shelf,
Our next book will be Persepolis, a graphic novel that serves as the memoir of the author, Marjane Satrapi. It’s about a bold and brave young woman and her experiences in 1980s Iran.
Persepolis was first published in French in 2003 and like Art Spiegelman’s Maus (which was about the Holocaust and was the first graphic novel to win the Pulitzer Prize) is now widely considered a classic of the graphic novel form.
Satrapi grew up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution and its aftermath; Persepolis is the story of her childhood. Through Marji’s youthful (though not-always-innocent) eyes and mind, we see a turbulent moment in history unfold, and we witness the tremendous impact that local and global events and politics can have on even the most intimate moments of personal lives. We experience with Marji her day-to-day dreams and struggles, from family strife to wrestling with religious faith and custom. We’re swept up in her parents’ anxieties and her grandmother’s memories of an utterly different era. And we get a very real sense of what it was like to be a woman in Iran during this intense time of cultural and political transition.
As Iran enters another important period of change, with relations re-opening with much of the world, I think this is a particularly good time to pick up Persepolis. Satrapi’s deceptively simple, almost whimsical drawings belie the seriousness and rich complexity of her story–but it’s also very funny too.
I’m excited to hear what you think.
Emma x