
Emma heeft Lin-Manuel Miranda geinterviewd namens HeForShe Arts Week.

Lin-Manuel Miranda 1

Watch my interview with the wonderful Lin-Manuel Miranda, creater, writer and star of Hamilton the Musical, for UN Women HeForShe Arts Week here! xPart one…

Publicado por Emma Watson em Quinta-feira, 17 de Março de 2016

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Het tweede boek dat Emma gaat lezen voor haar boekclub ‘Our Shared Shelf’ is bekend. Dit zal het boek ‘All About Love: New Visions’ van schrijfster Bell Hooks. Dit boek is niet vertaald naar het Nederlands, maar wel te koop bij bol.com.

This month’s book choice is in honor of bell hooks who interviewed me for Paper magazine this month. Maya Angelou said of bell’s work, “Each offering from bell hooks is a major event, she has so much to give us’. I love hearing from bell, I am pretty excited to start “All About Love: New Visions”. It’s been on my list for a while.


Emma x

Het tweede boek dat Emma gaat lezen voor haar boekclub ‘Our Shared Shelf’ is bekend. Dit zal het boek ‘The Color Purple’ van schrijfster Alice Walker. Dit boek is wel vertaald naar het Nederlands en o.a. te koop bij bol.com.

Just an FYI – the books I am suggesting I haven’t read myself. I am learning and reading for the first time with you. I am trying to choose works that cover as much ground as possible and are diverse… I’ve heard amazing things about this book from a person that I trust… The musical is currently on Broadway (starring Cynthia Erivo, Jennifer Hudson and Danielle Brooks) and a film was made of the book in 1985 by Steven Spielberg. It was Oprah Winfrey’s film debut and introduced Whoopi Goldberg (I love both of these women). I’m excited to read it and maybe do some watching too.

E xx

Emma zal schrijfster Gloria Steinem op 24 februari mogen interviewen tijdens de How to: Academy in Londen. Voor haar online boekenclub leest ze momenteel één van Gloria’s boeken. Ze hoopt dan deelnemers van haar boekenclub vragen zullen posten die ze zou kunnen stellen, en dat ze een video van het interview online kan posten.

I am so excited to FINALLY be able to tell you my secret! It will be me interviewing Gloria on stage in London at the How to: Academy on the 24th of February. There aren’t many tickets left but here is the link – http://www.howtoacademy.com/courses/a…. My plan is to upload a video of the entire event onto Our Shared Shelf. I was hoping we could put our heads together and come up with the best possible questions together as a group. I want to ask as many as possible. : ) I hope you’re as psyched as I am that our first author discussion is THIS awesome!! eeeee!
E xxx

Emma was de afgelopen paar dagen in Davos, Zwitserland. Hier woonde ze net als vorig jaar de World Economic Forum bij, dit keer voor de HeForShe IMPACT 10x10x10 Parity Report Launch.

Galerij Links:
http//: 21 januari: World Economic Forum in Davos, Zwitzerland
http//: 22 Januari: HeForShe IMPACT 10x10x10 Parity Report Launch at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Zwitzerland

Met de komst van de HeForShe website is er een nieuwe fotoshoot verschenen die Emma voor UN Woman heeft gehad ter promotie van de campagne.

Galerij Links:
http//: UN Woman (HeForShe.org)

Emma is voor het werk voor de UN Woman genomineert tijdens de 8th annual Shorty Award, in de Activism categorie! Klik hier om op haar te stemmen…

It only took twelve hours after actress Emma Watson’s speech launching the equal rights solidarity campaign #HeForShe at the UN Headquarters for the online death threats roll in, but, in Emma’s characteristically classy style, she used the publicity to her advantage—partnering with JP Morgan Chase, Emma got #HeForShe banners on Chase ATM screens nationwide. In 2015, her live International Women’s Day talk on Facebook garnered millions of views, and her interview with Malala Yousafzai—where Malala thanked Watson for helping her come to terms with calling herself a feminist—inspired Emma to announce on Facebook it was her “most moving day.”

Emma is voor haar boekenclub begonnen met het lezen van My Life on the Road van Gloria Steinem. Wil je met Emma meelezen en over twee weken kunnen meediscuseren? Koop dan nu het boek op bol.com! Helaas is het boek (nog) niet naar het Nederlands vertaald.

Who has their copy?
Just put my name, where I bought the book and the date in the front of mine!
I am so excited!
I’m reading it with a pen in hand so I can do some underlining and margin writing.
Time to make a cup of peppermint tea! It’s only two weeks until the last week of this month (e.g discussion time)… Got to get reading!