Emma heeft een spijkerbroek gedoneerd aan het goede doel ‘Jeans for Refugees‘, hierbij doneren verschillende beroemdheden een spijkerbroek die via een veiling verkocht worden. De opbrengst hiervan komt ten goede aan de de International Rescue Committee. Andere beroemdheden die meedoen zijn o.a. ‘Harry Potter’ co-ster Daniel Radcliffe, Victoria Beckham, Kate Moss en P!nk.

Jeans owned and donated by Emma Watson for the ‘Jeans for Refugees’ collection – unique hand-painted artwork by Johny Dar
Size 26
Johny Dar: ‘Emma has her own personal fairy tale going on that shows so nicely in how her jeans turned out. I really loved working on these – it was like painting a story and getting to know it while I painted…’
A piece that will be the envy of your friends and family and will take pride of place in any gallery – private or public. The jeans are painted in a special 3D paint, making these incredible art pieces wonderfully wearable. Johny Dar’s hand painted artwork seeks to reflect the individual personality of each donor, and pays tribute to their unique character through its expression.
Jeans for Refugees is a Johny Dar project and artistic fundraising initiative dedicated to helping refugees around the world, with all proceeds going to the International Rescue Committee.
Galerij Links:
http//: 2016: Emma doneert spijkerbroer voor ‘Jeans for Refugees’