Scans van Emma’s interview in de Britse Vogue staan in de galerij, enkele nieuwe outtakes zijn erin te zien.

Galerij Links:
http//: december 2019: Vogue (UK)
Scans van Emma’s interview in de Britse Vogue staan in de galerij, enkele nieuwe outtakes zijn erin te zien.
Galerij Links:
http//: december 2019: Vogue (UK)
hieronder nog een stuk uit het interview dat Emma had met Vogue, haar volledige interview is te lezen in het tijdschrift dat a.s. vrijdag verschijnt.
As the actor and activist Emma Watson approaches 30, she talks to Paris Lees about her extraordinary life, and transcending child stardom to become a voice for change in the December issue of British Vogue.
The story of how Emma Watson became one of the most recognisable women on the planet is folklore of sorts. She was nine-years-old when she was picked out of a line-up of would-be actors in her school gym to be in a film that would change her life forever. Twenty years later, and that child star is now one of the world’s most bankable actors and recognised activists.
This Christmas, Watson is back on the big screen as Margaret “Meg” March in Greta Gerwig’s adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. The project couldn’t be a better fit for Emma, combining, as it does, many of her loves: literature, film and exploring the female experience. “With Meg’s character, her way of being a feminist is making the choice – because that’s really, for me anyway, what feminism is about,” Watson tells Lees. “Her choice is that she wants to be a full-time mother and wife. To Jo [Saoirse Ronan], being married is really some sort of prison sentence. But Meg says, ‘You know, I love him [John Brooke, who is played by James Norton] and I’m really happy and this is what I want. And just because my dreams are different from yours, it doesn’t mean they’re unimportant.”
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Emma siert de cover van de Britse Vogue, hiervoor heeft ze een nieuwe fotoshoot gehad met fotograaf Alasdair McLellan.
Galerij Links:
http//: Alasdair McLellan (Vogue)
http//: december 2019: Vogue (UK)
The age of influence, it’s said, is upon us. Whether on the front row or on the front benches – or simply leaning over our smartphones – we have more eyes on each other than at any time in history. As is also often said these days, it’s a lot.
Of course, in the fashion industry and across social media, the concept of an “influencer” has evolved in a few short years into one that we all fully understand. Many influencers are now stars in their own right, while millions more around the globe, armed with a new handbag and a winning filter, continue to strive for clicks and likes. It’s an important sea change, but I do sometimes wonder how many are doing anything truly useful with this modern superpower.
Emma Watson is one woman getting it right. Since she was cast as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter franchise 20 years ago (aged just nine), she has been one of the most recognisable faces on the planet. Famous in practically every corner of the world, she accumulated influence the old-fashioned way; coming of age in the digital era means she now finds herself with a cross-platform following of over 100 million engaged and devoted fans.
Galerij Links:
http//: Screencaptures
‘Little Woman’ regisseur Greta Gerwig heeft een interview gehad met Vanity Fair waarin ze o.a. praat over de film. Scans hiervan zijn toegevoegd in de galerij. Volgens de geruchten zal de film te zien zijn tijdens het Toronto International Film Festival in september.
Galerij Links:
http//: augustus 2019: Vanity Fair (VS)
Ik heb enkele nieuwe scans toegevoegd van Emma in verschillende tijdschriften over de hele wereld.
Galerij Links:
http//: april 2018: Vanidades (Mexico)
http//: 5-11 januari: Télépro (België)
http//: december 2018-januari 2019: Vantage Shanghai (China)
http//: april 2019: La Femme (Brazilië)
http//: mei 2019: Psychologies (Turkijke)
http//: mei 2019: Wysokie Obcasy (Polen)
Ik heb enkele scans gevonden van Emma in het franse weekblad L’Obs van vorig jaar november.
Galerij Links:
http//: 29 november 2018: L’Obs
Vouge Australië heeft een artikel geschreven over de boeken die Emma aanraad met haar boekclub ‘Our Shared Shelf’.
A passionate reader who leaves books in public spaces and has her own online book club, Our Shared Shelf, Emma Watson talks us through some of her favourite tomes.
Conscious Business by Fred Kofman
I’ve started reading Conscious Business, which is about being mindful in your professional life. Kofman writes about responding to challenges in a way that honours your own values and builds mutually respectful relationships. I think this is so important, both for building feminist movements and for communicating with integrity.The Mother of All Questions by Rebecca Solnit
A brilliant follow up to Men explain things to me. Her essay on the film Giant and Elizabeth Taylor was one of my favourites. I also love referring people to her essay when I am asked in the wake of the me too movement whether there can’t be any jokes or fun anymore. She also slays the myth that Feminists don’t have a sense of humour. She’s funny as hell.Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari has a vision for the future in which humans have mastered most of our environment, from nature to our own biology. I don’t think it’ll be a light read! But I want to try and understand the potential consequences of our scientific advances. For example, what will our world be like if artificial intelligence becomes self-determining?
A passionate reader who leaves books in public spaces and has her own online book club, Our Shared Shelf, @EmmaWatson came to the Vogue Australia office as guest editor of our March 2018 issue, and left behind her favourite tomes.
— Vogue Australia (@vogueaustralia) 3 april 2018
Galerij Links:
http//: Captures