
Emma is voor de maand maart de gastredacteur van Vouge Australië! Hiervoor had ze o.a. een nieuwe fotoshoot met fotograaf Peter Lindberg,

Emma Watson introduces the March 2018 issue of Vogue Australia
20 February 2018

Emma Watson, guest editor of the March issue of Vogue Australia, on sale February 26, shares her vision and the full shoot by iconic photographer Peter Lindbergh.

After a year dominated by an alarming newsfeed, it seems we have hit a turning point in 2018. Silenced voices are becoming amplified and media outlets are shining a spotlight on the people and groups challenging for change. The pages to follow in this issue, Designing the Future, is a part of that change.

The word ‘change’ can be intimidating, riddled with expectation of outcomes and fear of failure. So I want to propose something to you: when steering a boat, a captain can shift the wheel one degree and it drastically changes the course of the boat. I would like to challenge you, after reading this issue, to make a one-degree shift, because a small change can make a huge difference.

Thank you, Vogue Australia, for allowing me this platform to share stories and movements I care about. Thank you, Peter Lindbergh, for your careful eye and such a joyous shoot. Thank you to all the collaborators for sharing your voice and your self. And lastly, thank you to anyone picking up this issue and reading it. You are the biggest piece to the puzzle of our global wellbeing. Join me in a one-degree shift!

Galerij Links:
http//: maart 2018: Vouge (Australië)
http//: Peter Lindbergh {Vouge Australië}
http//: Peter Lindbergh {Vouge Australië} – achter de schermen

Ik heb eindelijk tijd gevonden om enkele scans toe te voegen van Emma uit Nederlandse tijdschriften ter promotie van ‘Beauty and the Beast’ en ‘The Circle’.

Galerij Links:
http//: 18-31 maart 2017: Totaal TV (NL)
http//: 25-31 maart 2017: TV Krant (NL)
http//: maart 2017: Hitkrant (NL)
http//: 13-16 mei 2017: TV Film (NL)

Emma staat deze maand op de cover van het Nederlandse blad Fashionchick Girl, scans hiervan staan in de galerij.

Galerij Links:
http//: september – Fashionchick Girl (NL)

Met de verschijning van ‘Beauty And The Beast’ was Emma veel te zien in tijdschriften, scans hiervan staan in de galerij!

Galerij Links:
http//: Tijdschriften > 2017

Emma siert de cover van de maart 2017 editie van Entertainment Weekly Collectors Edition, hiervoor is ook een nieuwe fotoshoot door Kerry Hallihan geweest!

Galerij Links:
http//: Kerry Hallihan {Elle UK}
http//: maart 2017: Entertainment Weekly Collectors Edition (VS)

Emma siert de cover van de maart 2017 editie van Elle UK met een nieuwe fotoshoot door Kerry Hallihan. Nieuwe outtakes en scans toegevoegd.

British Actress Emma Watson – who is not only globally renowned for her impressive acting career, but also for her powerful campaigning for gender equality – is back on the cover of ELLE UK.

Yes, the activist returns.

And in celebration of her achievements, ELLE UK will award Watson the prestigious Woman of the Year Award at the ELLE Style Awards 2017, next Monday.

In the March issue of ELLE UK, Emma talks to Lorraine Candy about why being cast as Belle in the upcoming film Beauty and the Beast was the perfect opportunity for her. She reveals why it was important to her to take a year out to concentrate on her activism, and she discusses setting up her feminist book club, named Our Shared Shelf.

Galerij Links:
http//: Kerry Hallihan {Elle UK}
http//: Kerry Hallihan {Elle UK} – Behind the Scenes
http//: maart 2017: Elle (GB)

Nu de release van Emma’s opkomende film ‘Beauty And The Beast’ nadert zijn er weer enkele nieuwe foto’s verschenen van de film. Daarnaast siert ze de cover van het blad Total Film ter promotie van de film.

Galerij Links:
http//: Posters
http//: Film Stills
http//: Soundtrack
http//: januari 2017: Total Film

Emma staat op de cover van de januari 2017 editie van het blad Better Photography, de fotoshoot die hiervoor gebruikt is is van de fotoshoot met Vincent Peters uit 2015.

Galerij Links:
http//: Janauri 2017: Better Photography

Via Entertainment Weekly zijn er exclusieve film stills en achter de schermen foto’s verschenen van Emma’s opkomende film ‘Beauty And The Beast’.

Galerij Links:
http//: Film Stills
http//: Achter de Schermen
http//: november 2016: Entertainment Weekly (Amerika)

Emma siert de cover van de juli editie van de Britse Grazia!

Galerij Links:
http//: Juli 2016: Grazia {UK}