Ik heb enkele nieuwe scans van Emma toegevoegd in de galerij.

Galerij Links:
http//: maart 2018: Grazia (Groot-Britanië)
http//: Lente 2018: Real Leaders (VS)
EmmaWatsonFan.nl |
Er zijn enkele nieuwe outtakes verschenen van Emma’s fotoshoot met Vouge Australië door fotograaf Peter Lindberg.
Galerij Links:
http//: Peter Lindbergh {Vouge Australië}
Emma is dit jaar genomineerd voor de European Leadership Awards, door haar werk voor UN Woman, HeForShe en haar recente donatie voor #MeToo. De awards erkennen mensen die zich buitengewoon goed hebben ingezet voor zaken, politiek, ondernemerschap en innovatie, de awards zijn opgesplitst in 5 categorieën:
– European leader of the year
– European personality of the year
– European entrepreneur of the year
– European innovator of the year
– CEO of the year.
Emma is samen met ondernemer Xavier Niel, de Franse zakenman Mohed Altrad, Britse model Edie Campbell, de Belgische astronoom Michael Gillon, advocaat Marcia Willis Stewart, Hongaars activist Andras Fekete -Gyor en de Poolse politicus en activist Barbara Nowacka genomineerd in de categorie ‘European personality of the year’. De uitreiking vindt op 22 mei plaats in Brussel, België, hier kan gestemd worden.
Er is een portraitsessie verschenen van Emma op de 2018 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted door fotograaf Mark Seligers die eerder deze maand plaats vond. Klik op meer om een achter de schermen video te zien van de fotoshoot die fotograaf Mark Seligers plaatste op zijn instagramaccount.
Galerij Links:
http//: Mark Seligers {2018 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Portrait}
Het boek dat Emma gaat lezen voor haar boekclub ‘Our Shared Shelf’ in jmaart en april is bekend. Dit zal het boek ‘Heart Beries’ van schrijfster Terese Marie Mailhot zijn. Dit boek is niet vertaald naar het Nederlands maar wel te koop bij bol.com.
Dear OSS,
One of the most memorable moments of the year for me, so far, was the honor of walking beside activist and friend, Marai Larasi at the Golden Globes. Along with learning that movements are both rewarding and really hard work, my involvement with #TimesUp in the UK and in the States is showing me how much we can do together when we stand in solidarity and how incredibly important it is for those who have privilege to use whatever they can to amplify the voices of those who are less often listened to. These are a few of the many reasons why I have chosen Terese Marie Mailhot’s Heart Berries for this month’s book.
Having always felt deeply impatient and limited by having to express myself in perfect grammar and punctuation (this was pre-apostrophe gate!), I am quietly reveling in the profundity of Mailhot’s deliberate transgression in Heart Berries and its perfect results. I love her suspicion of words. I have always been terrified and in awe of the power of words – but Mailhot does not let them silence her in Heart Berries. She finds the purest way to say what she needs to say. She refines… How beautiful are these sentences?
“I learned to make a honey reduction of the ugly sentences. Still my voice cracks.”
“When you told me, I want too much I considered how much you take.”
“I feel like my body is being drawn through a syringe.”
“I felt breathless, like every question was a step up a stairway.”
“Nothing is too ugly for this world I think it’s just that people pretend not to see.”
“I woke up as the bones of my ancestors locked in government storage.”
I won’t go on because I don’t want to ruin this book for you, but the writing is so good it’s hard not to temporarily be distracted from the content or narrative by its brilliance.
In her first paragraph, Mailhot writes, “The words were too wrong and ugly to speak. I tried to tell someone my story, but he thought it was a hustle.” Space is needed for pain; people need to be believed and to be able to tell their stories. Roxane Gay says it so perfectly when she describes the book as an “open wound, a need, naked and unapologetic.” Perhaps, because this author so generously allows us to be her witness, we are somehow able to see ourselves more clearly and become better witnesses to ourselves. This has certainly been my experience.
It feels right and vastly overdue to be reading a story from a First Nation woman with her perspective of a colonial world. I loved her keen observations of white people (like me) and their ways. It’s critical to be reminded that there are ways of thinking and seeing things that endure and have existed long before colonizers. There are a million ways to think about things! It’s good to have this named.
I read this book in one sitting, but I know I will come back to lines in it to refer to again and again and again. I felt transformed by having read Mailhot’s book as if she channeled some of her brilliance to me through osmosis. As though magically just through having read her writing, I myself became more intelligent and a better writer without having to do ANYTHING!! That’s how good she is! Her work is inspiring, in the way the best things are – you instantly want to go and DO and create yourself as a result of having come into contact with it.
With all my love,
Emma and Team Our Shared Shelf
Volgens de nieuwste geruchten zou Emma aan het daten zijn met de 29-jarige ‘Glee’ acteur Chord Overstreet. In februari werden ze beiden gespot toen ze een optreden in nachtclub Troubadour verlieten en afgelopen zondag zouden ze samen de Vanity Fair Oscars Party hebben verlaten. Volgens één bron die aan Page Six liet weten zijn het inderdaad waar zijn dat het stel samen is, al zou Emma het stil en privé willen houden. Echter benoemd een andere bron dat het tweetal alleen vriendschappelijk met elkaar omgaat.
Emma heeft in het verleden zelf laten niet over haar liefdesleven te willen praten in de media:
“I want to be consistent: I can’t talk about my boyfriend in an interview and then expect people not to take paparazzi pictures of me walking around outside my home. You can’t have it both ways.”
Het is dus onwaarschijnlijk dat ze zelf op de geruchten reageert, maar inmiddels zijn ze wel al hand in hand gespot door de papparazi.
Emma neemt vandaag het instagramaccount van National Geographic over ter ere van International Vrouwendag. Hierbij zal de gehele dag verschillende krachtige foto’s op de social media pagina zal uploaden van vrouwelijk fotografen. Zij zijn zoals Emma vermeld vaak ondergewaardeerd en ze kijkt er naar uit het werk van enkele van deze getalenteerde vrouwen te kunnen laten zien. Bekijk de geplaatste foto’s van Emma in de galerij!
Galerij Links:
http//: National Geographic instagram (takeover)
Emma was twee dagen geleden aanwezig op de 2018 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted By Radhika Jones in L.A. Hier verscheen ze met een neptattoage waarmee ze de Time’s Up-beweging wilde eren, echter stond dit verkeerd gespeld doordat de ‘ vergeten was. Ze kon er zelf wel om lachten en posten het onderstaande op haar twitter pagina.
Fake tattoo proofreading position available. Experience with apostrophes a must.
— Emma Watson (@EmmaWatson) 5 maart 2018
Galerij Links:
http//: 2018 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted By Radhika Jones
Emma is voor de maand maart de gastredacteur van Vouge Australië! Hiervoor had ze o.a. een nieuwe fotoshoot met fotograaf Peter Lindberg,
Emma Watson introduces the March 2018 issue of Vogue Australia
20 February 2018Emma Watson, guest editor of the March issue of Vogue Australia, on sale February 26, shares her vision and the full shoot by iconic photographer Peter Lindbergh.
After a year dominated by an alarming newsfeed, it seems we have hit a turning point in 2018. Silenced voices are becoming amplified and media outlets are shining a spotlight on the people and groups challenging for change. The pages to follow in this issue, Designing the Future, is a part of that change.
The word ‘change’ can be intimidating, riddled with expectation of outcomes and fear of failure. So I want to propose something to you: when steering a boat, a captain can shift the wheel one degree and it drastically changes the course of the boat. I would like to challenge you, after reading this issue, to make a one-degree shift, because a small change can make a huge difference.
Thank you, Vogue Australia, for allowing me this platform to share stories and movements I care about. Thank you, Peter Lindbergh, for your careful eye and such a joyous shoot. Thank you to all the collaborators for sharing your voice and your self. And lastly, thank you to anyone picking up this issue and reading it. You are the biggest piece to the puzzle of our global wellbeing. Join me in a one-degree shift!
Galerij Links:
http//: maart 2018: Vouge (Australië)
http//: Peter Lindbergh {Vouge Australië}
http//: Peter Lindbergh {Vouge Australië} – achter de schermen
Galerij Links:
http//: captures